Monday Original Content: Dagon Magazine and an Interview with Roberto Mendes

Dagon is a new Portuguese magazine, edited by Roberto Mendes and dedicated to showcasing both Portuguese and international speculative fiction. The first issue contains stories from Luís Filipe Silva, João Barreiros and Carla Ribeiro, and articles by Pedro Ventura and Nuno Fonseca. It also publishes Nir Yaniv's story, "Cinderers" from The Apex Book of World SF,... Continue Reading →

Larry Nolen on “International SF” and Problems of Identity

Over at the Nebula Awards Blog, Larry Nolen discusses “International SF” and Problems of Identity. This problem raises what might be a central problem involving “international SF,” that of possible conflicts between Anglo-American expectations of what “SF” constitutes and what the various non-Anglophone countries might view as being an essential story.  Some might argue that... Continue Reading →

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