Angry Robot 99p Summer Promotion

Angry Robot Books have teamed up with Amazon UK to offer a range of their e-books for just 99p over the summer, including several of their international titles! The promotion runs throughout July and August. Titles available: Moxyland by Lauren Beukes (South Africa) The Bookman by Lavie Tidhar (Israel/South Africa) Servant of the Underworld by... Continue Reading →

Australian Speculative Fiction in Focus

I just discovered this website, Australian Speculative Fiction in Focus, the goals of which are "To bring attention to the Australian speculative fiction scene and to bring in new readers to it," and "To be an honest, open and unbiased critique of the work and discuss what worked and what didn’t work and why." Currently,... Continue Reading →

Australian Ditmar Award Nominations Announced

Congratulations to Apex Book of World SF contributor Kaaron Warren for a double nomination! Best Novel * Leviathan, Scott Westerfeld (Penguin) * Liar, Justine Larbalestier (Bloomsbury) * World Shaker, Richard Harland (Allen & Unwin) * Slights, Kaaron Warren (Angry Robot Books) * Life Through Cellophane, Gillian Polack (Eneit Press) Best Novella or Novelette * “Siren... Continue Reading →

Rich Horton on four new Australian anthologies

Over at Fantasy Magazine, Rich Horton reviews four new Australian anthologies: Legends of Australian Fantasy, Edited by Jack Dann and Jonathan Strahan Belong, Edited by Russell Farr Scary Kisses, Edited by Liz Grzyb Baggage, Edited by Gillian Polack Australia has quite a busy publishing scene in SF and Fantasy for a relatively small (demographically speaking) country. There... Continue Reading →

Australian SpecFic Snapshot 2010

Last week, Kathryn Linge, Random Alex, Girlie Jones, Rachel the Mechanical Cat, TansyRR and EditorMum interviewed several people in the Australian SpecFic scene. Here's the links, courtesy of Kathryn Linge: Marianne De Pierres, Richard Harland, Karen Miller, Margo Lanagan, Ben Peek, Narelle Harris, Paul Collins, Damien Broderick, Shane Jiraiya Cummings, Angela Slatter, Dion Hamill, Garth... Continue Reading →

Kaaron Warren’s Novel Comes With Free Novella

Apex Book of World SF contributor Kaaron Warren's last novel from Angry Robot Books, Walking the Tree, now comes with a free novella. Here's the official press release: While writing Walking the Tree, ace AR author Kaaron Warren naturally concentrated on her central character, Lillah. But as she explored that woman’s incredible journey around Botanica’s... Continue Reading →

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