How to Write Science Fiction on a Post-Colonial World

Fabio Fernandes gathers a number of writers on SF Signal to discuss How To Write Science Fiction on a Post-Colonial World, with some fascinating answers. Participants are Joyce Chng, Ekaterina Sedia, Karen Lord, Jaymee Goh, Jeffrey Thomas, Farah Mendlesohn, Jeff VanderMeer, Karin Lowachee and Vandana Singh. I like this answer from Jaymee Goh: Jaymee Goh... Continue Reading →

Breaking the Bow: Speculative Fiction Inspired by the Ramayana

Anil Menon has announced the cover for the forthcoming Breaking the Bow: Speculative Fiction Inspired by the Ramayana, edited by Anil Menon and Vandana Singh. The anthology will be published by Zubaan Books in India. Here's the cover, and the list of contributors! Contributors: Molshree Ambastha Kalyug Amended Neelanjana Banerjee Exile Priya Sarukkai Chabria Fragments from... Continue Reading →

Short Story Highlight: “Somadeva: A Sky River Sutra” by Vandana Singh (Strange Horizons)

Part of what we're trying to do with the WSNB is highlight individual short stories by international writers as they're being published. You can click on both the 2010 stories or the short story highlight tags to see previous posts. The latest story we wanted to turn your attention to is Somadeva: A Sky River... Continue Reading →

Gender debate

Over at Rebellious Jezebel, blogger Jha takes Nuno Fonseca (for his editorial here this week) and Luis Filipe Silva (for his response) to task on their treatment of gender, saying in part: Well, yes, of course arguing the lack of representation in spec fic is a goddamn personal thing. Fuck the male privilege horse you... Continue Reading →

Monday Original Content: An Interview with Vandana Singh

Interview by Charles Tan. Hi! Thanks for agreeing to do the interview. First off, what's the appeal of speculative fiction for you? Do you think it's an appropriate term for your writing, or is there another descriptor you deem more appropriate? Thanks for interviewing me!  Speculative fiction is indeed an appropriate term for my writing. ... Continue Reading →

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