Charles Tan wins Last Drink Bird Head Award!

Tireless WSNB contributor, blogger, interviewer, reviewer and much more, Charles Tan has just won the inaugural Last Drink Bird Head Award, given by Jeff and Ann Vandermeer, in the International Activism category: In recognition of those who work to bring writers from other literary traditions and countries to the attention of readers in North America, the United Kingdom, and... Continue Reading →

New Zealand Speculative Fiction Blogging Week

Anna Caro writes in to say: The place of speculative fiction in New Zealand is full of contraductions. On the one hand, it has a history of being marginalised, and writers face the dual challenges of local markets which tend towards publishing literary fiction, and international markets which can (though there are notable exceptions) be... Continue Reading →

United Malays National Organisation Calls for Ban on Horror Films

The Star newspaper of Malaysia reports that "Puteri Umno wants the Government to ban the production of “horror, mystical and superstitious” movies, claiming such films can weaken the faith of Muslims in the country. The movement also wants the authorities to empower the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) to take action against such productions." UMNO's Wikipedia entry... Continue Reading →

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