Romanian Galileo Awards 2012 Announced

The winners of the Romanian Galileo Awards 2012 (Premiile Galileo), voted by the subscribers of Galileo Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine, were announced on Sunday. Here's the list of the winners: Best F&SF Book Award (novel or short fiction collection published by a Romanian author in 2011): the novel DEMNET by DAN DOBOS, published by... Continue Reading →

2012 Galileo Awards nominees

The Romanian 2012 Galileo Award nominees have been announced: The Best Volume: “The Seasons” (Anotimpurile) by Bogdan-Tudor Bucheru (Millennium Books) “Ink and Blood” (Cerneală și singe) by Ștefana Cristina Czeller (Millennium Books) “DemNet” (DemNet) by Dan Doboș (Media-Tech) “Chronicles from the End of the World” (Cronici de la capătul pămîntului) by Costi Gurgu (Millennium Books) “Alone on Ormuza” (Singur... Continue Reading →

Romanian anthology Steampunk: The Second Revolution reviewed

Radu Romaniuc has written an extensive review of the Romanian steampunk anthology Steampunk: The Second Revolution, edited by Adrian Craciun. So why is this book interesting? Well, it tries to align the Romanian fandom (which this book represents) with the bigger, and richer, Anglo-American fandom. We write Steampunk too, if that's where the genre's at. So say the... Continue Reading →

The Ion Hobana Awards

From Cristian Tamas (Romanian Science Fiction&Fantasy Society) Established in the memory of Ion Hobana (1931-2011), a well known romanian scholar and SF writer, "one of Romania’s academic SF grandmasters (Romania’s greatest SF academic)" as Jonathan Cowie said,  the yearly Ion Hobana Awards presented for the first time this year, had been granted by the Romanian... Continue Reading →

OBITUARY: Ion Hobana

Horia Urso writes with the sad news of the Romanian author's death: Ion Hobana, the venerable "Dean of Romanian Science Fiction”, has passed away on Tuesday, February 22nd. Born on January 25th 1931 in Sannicolaul Mare, near Timisoara, he was an alumnus of the University of Bucharest, with a thesis dedicated to science fiction literature,... Continue Reading →

Romanian Steampunk!

Steampunk seems to be everywhere these days, from novels to short story anthologies in English. And a while back we reported on the first Brazilian anthology of steampunk. Now comes news of the first ever Romanian steampunk anthology! Edited by Adrian Crăciun, the anthology will be published by Millennium Books in Romania and include stories from: Aron... Continue Reading →

Science Fiction in Romania since the 1990 revolution

Our friends at the Concatenation web site have recently posted Science Fiction in Romania since the 1990 revolution, a continuation of an earlier article, A brief history of Science Fiction in Romania up to 1990: The fall of the Iron Wall (Curtain) across Europe in 1990, which included the Romania revolution, affected all of Romanian society including... Continue Reading →

Romanian SF&F Awards Announced

The Romanian Science Fiction&Fantasy Society (SRSFF)  Awards 2010 Friday, November the 19th 2010, at  the Gaudeamus International Book Fair (Bucharest, Romania), were awarded the SRSFF (Societatea Romana de Science Fiction si Fantasy) 2010 prizes. These awards are meant to highlight the efforts of those who, during the year promoted and contributed to the romanian science fiction... Continue Reading →

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