RIP: Angel Arango (1926-2013)

Via Locus:

Cuban SF writer Angel Arango, 86, died February 19, 2013 in Miami FL.

Arango was one of the founding fathers of modern Cuban SF, beginning with landmark debut collection A dónde van los cefalomos? [Where Do the Cephalhoms Go?] (1964). Arango’s other significant works of fiction include collections El planeta negro [The Black Planet] (1966) andRobotomaquia [Robotomachy] (1967), and four novels in his SF saga:Transparencia [Transparency] (1982), Coyuntura [Conjuncture] (1984),Sider [Sider] (1994), and La columna bífida [Bifid Column] (2011). He also wrote non-fiction book Ciencia Ficción: categorías y conceptos y otros [Science Fiction: Categories and Concepts and Others] (2012).

Ángel José Arango Rodriguez was born March 25, 1926 in Havana Cuba. He studied law at the University of Havana, graduating in 1949 with a specialty in aviation law. He moved to Florida to live with one of his sons in 2009.

For more, see his entry in the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction.

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